Conferencias & Workshops
2013 Tongji University, Shanghai, China, College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Visiting Professor, 2nd semester. Director: Prof. Xiangning. L
2005-2009 European Institute of Design (EID), Masters of Interior Design. Course of ephemeral architecture Director.
2002-2008 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). School of Architecture of Barcelona, Spain.
2008 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment“, “Trip to Shanghai” in the Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2006 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment“, “Trip to Nepal” in the Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2005 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment“, “Trip to Caracas” in the Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2004 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment“, “Trip to Salzburg” in the Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2003 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment “. Theme “Projects Expositions II: Habitable Containers” in the, Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2002 Tutorship in the Postgraduate Master Program.
“The Project: Approaches to the Architecture from Historic and Social Environment“, “Projects Expositions I: People, Projects and Food” in the, Projects Department, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, Spain, February – June
2005 Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) Caracas, Venezuela.
Special course: EMBT Design Studio-Barcelona Experience
Speaker at many architecture schools, universities and colleges of architecture in South America, Europe and Asia (Hokkaido University, Central University of Venezuela, Zheijang University, China, R.I.B.A. Tongji University, Shanghai, Honk Kong University Shanghai Studies Center, Raffles Design Institute, Shanghai, Newcastle and Sydney Universities in Australia, Amman Lab Global Network Columbia University, etc.). Also Igor Peraza has been a speaker and jury at WAF World Architecture Festival in Singapore in October 2012 and Asia Designing Forum in Kuala Lumpur in January 2013.
2013 AMMAN LAB Studio X Global Network, Columbia University: ANYTIME ANYWHERE
2013 Hong Kong University, Shanghai Study Centre: Shanghai State of Affairs | Igor Peraza [EMBT]
2011 Jury for the most Successful design in China.
2011 Chengdu Biennale, Sichuan, China. Design an installation and lecture during the Biennale Venue.
2010 Shanghai World Expo – Urban Visions, Urban Strategies.
2010 Lecture at Raffles Design Institute in Shanghai.一种元素,两类设计,点燃艺术无限创意-pixel³-is-up/sony-dsc-2/
2006 Architectural Congress at UDLA (Universidad de las Americas) Puebla, Mexico.